
GeriaLearning is a collection of geriatric trainings designed for a variety of healthcare professionals. Once you click on an offering that you are interested in, you will be asked to complete a very short form before accessing the training. This process takes seconds and allows us to continue to offer quality education at no cost.



View video presentations on frequently requested topics in geriatrics.

Medication Management


View evidence-based approaches to help manage problem behaviors and psychosis in people with dementia.

Dementia and Health Care Provider Roles

Partnerships to Improve Care

Instruct long-term care staff about how to best interact with family members in developing partnerships and goals of care.

Dentist with an older adult female patient

Geriatric Oral Health Training

Understand the role of oral health in promoting quality of life.

Responding to Care


Learn about how to provide Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment for alcohol and drug use.

Healthcare worker with an older adult laying in a hospital bed

Measuring Cognitive Vital Signs to Identify Delirium

Learn how to use the Delirium Triage Screen (DTS) and Brief Confusion Assessment Method (bCAM).