COPD/Respiratory Health Training & Education
What is it like to have COPD?
- COPD Patients & Everyday Activities Video (3 min.)
- Lung Disease (COPD) Spotlight Tool - Action Plan
- Review COPD Exacerbation Fact Sheet
- 2-Day Rule: Watch for exacerbation s/s - never let s/s go more than 2 days without contacting a doctor if getting worse. Treat the shortness of breath with everything in your arsenal, but if you're still trying to treat it at 48 hours - you need help! The chances of true exacerbation if very high at this point! Remember that every exacerbation/PNA means loss of precious lung function that they will never get back. Early treatment is the key to stability!
Voluntary Activity:
- The Unfun Balloon (1.5 min.)
- Balloon / Straw Activity: Stand up, jog in place for one minute and then pinch your nose shut. Try to breathe through a small coffee stirrer straw. This is a pretty accurate way to feel how a COPD sufferer feels when having a flare up or even daily.
Frequency: Upon hire & annually
Key Participants: All staff members
Deeper Dive Into COPD
Understanding COPD & Lung Sounds Practice:
- Understanding COPD Video (4 min.)
- Understanding Lung Sounds Video (6 min.)
- Lung Sounds Practice
- Lung Sounds Cheat Sheet
Frequency: Upon hire & annually
Key Participants: Clinical Staff
Clinical Protocol
- Utilize COPD Admission Order Set
- Review Lung Disease (COPD) Stoplight Tool – Action Plan with care staff and patient/family
- Utilize SBAR for COPD Symptoms when calling physician
- Review IPOST / POLST form and reassess, as needed. Complete with patient, if needed.
Frequency: Every COPD patient
Key Participants: Clinical staff
For The Patient / Caregiver
Discharge Packet:
- Lung Disease (COPD) Spotlight Tool - Action Plan
- Recommended to send home in protective sleeve and encouraged to post on fridge at home.
- COPD Exacerbation Fact Sheet
*Provide warm hand-off to PCP at time of discharge.
- Send original IPOST / POLST home with patient.
- Consider referral to Palliative Care or Hospice, when appropriate
Frequency: COPD Patient Discharge Packet
Key Participants: All COPD patients
- COPD Foundation Avoiding Exacerbations Fact Sheet
- Inhaler Training
- Nicotine Replacement Guide
- COPD National Action Plan Goals
- POLST Form & Resource
- IPOST Form & Resource
Frequency: PRN, Available 24/7
Key Participants: All Staff