Dementia Friendly Communities

Dementia Friendly Communities

This social movement is driven by the ever-increasing number of older adults living with dementia, demands on their family, and widely held misbeliefs, fear, and stigma about dementia. We strive to educate and engage the community to support persons living with dementia and their care partners.

Dementia Friendly Iowa Logo

Dementia Friendly Iowa

Becoming a Dementia Friend will change the way you think, act, and talk about dementia. We teach you what it's like to live with dementia, how to decrease the stigma associated with the disease, and how a more safe and respectful place may be created for people living with dementia.

Students who completed Dementia Friends

Dementia Friends University

This program is integrated into classroom curricula, enabling students, the future generation of practice change leaders, to become a Dementia Friend, thus increasing visibility campus-wide and advancing awareness and change in the larger community.