Geriatric Oral Health Training

This curriculum was developed to teach providers about the role of oral health in promoting quality of life for older adults. It presents a simple model and set of tools and techniques that can be used to improve oral health care.

The sections on the Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) and the Oral Health Care Plan (OHCP) contain practice exercises, as well as printable copies of these tools.

Estimated time: 4-part series totaling 4 hours

Program Outline:

Oral Health - Practice

Section 1: Introduction to a Best-Practice Geriatric Oral Health Model

Part 1: Components of a Best-Practice Geriatric Oral Health Model

Part 2: Model Who Can Use This Model?

Part 3: Background for the Best-Practice 

Oral Health

Section 2: The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT)

Oral Health Assessment Tool

Part 1: Oral Health Assessment Tool Overview

Part 2: Lips

Part 3: Tongue

Part 4: Gums & Tissues

Part 5: Saliva

Part 6: Natural Teeth

Part 7: Dentures

Part 8: Oral Cleanliness

Part 9: Dental Pain

Part 10: Outcomes

Part 11: Practice Test

Part 12: Check your Understanding

Oral Health

Section 3: The Oral Health Care Plan (OHCP)

The Oral Health Care Plan

Part 1: Oral Health Care Plan (OHCP) Overview

Part 2: Dentures

Part 3: Natural Teeth

Part 4: Regular Barriers to Care

Part 5: Interventions

Part 6: Practice Test

Part 7: Check Your Understanding

Oral Health

Section 4: Oral Hygiene Techniques for People with Dementia

Check Your Understanding


This Best Practice Geriatric Oral Health Training program was developed by Jane Chalmers, BDSc, MS, PhD, Associate Professor in the University of Iowa College of Dentistry's Geriatric and Special Needs Program for use by the Iowa Geriatric Education Center with support from the Bureau of Health Professions, United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Dr. Chalmers would like to thank the Alzheimer's Association (South Australia), the Australian Dental Association, and Colgate Oral Care for permission to use text and photographs from her booklet accompanying their Practical Oral Care: Tips for Residential Care Staff video. In addition, she would also like to acknowledge with many thanks the provision of photographic images for this training program by the following:

  • Professor Ronald Ettinger, USA
  • Dr. Mark Gryst, Australia
  • Dr. Chris Hodge, Australia
  • Dr. Peter King, Australia
  • Dr. Michael Wiseman, Canada
  • Dr. Phillip Wong, Australia
  • Professor Clive Wright, New Zealand
  • Iowa 65+ OLD Dental Study, USA