The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) Scoring - Dental Pain

OHAT Scoring Instructions

0 = Healthy

1 = Changes

2 = Unhealthy

no behavioral, verbal, or physical signs of dental pain


are verbal and/or behavioral signs of pain such as pulling at face, chewing lips, not eating, aggression

*A score of 1 should be referred to a dentist

are physical pain signs (swelling of cheek or gum, broken teeth, ulcers), as well as verbal and/or behavioral signs (pulling at face, not eating, aggression)

OHAT Practice Quiz

Practice using the Oral Health Assessment Tool by selecting the appropriate score for Mr. Johnson's oral pain.  Mr. Johnson is cooperative, opens his mouth easily, and does not try to bite your fingers.

Category 0 = Healthy 1 = Changes 2 = Unhealthy Category Scores
Dental pain
no behavioral, verbal, or physical signs of dental pain
are verbal and/or behavioral signs of pain such as pulling at face, chewing lips, not eating, aggression
are physical pain signs (swelling of cheek or gum, broken teeth, ulcers), as well as verbal and/or behavioral signs (pulling at face, not eating, aggression)  

OHAT Practice Answer

Category Observation Our Score
Dental pain  Cooperative, opens his mouth easily, and does not try to bite your fingers 0

Oral Hygiene Care Plan (Chalmers, 2004 for use by the Iowa Geriatric Education Center; reviewed by Marchini, 2016; Review 2023)