Age-Friendly Initiatives

Age-Friendly Health Systems is an initiative of The John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, in partnership with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States. An Age-Friendly Health System provides safe, high-quality care to all older adults using an essential evidence-based framework, known as the ā€œ4Msā€: What Matters, Medication, Mentation (Mind), and Mobility.


Age-Friendly Lecture Series

The Age-Friendly Lecture series is a collection of video presentations devoted to  Age-Friendly Health Systems (AFHS) and details the 4Ms framework: What Matters, Mentation (delirium, dementia, depression), Medication, and Mobility.

Estimated time: 8-part video series totaling 3 hours and 45 minutes

Caregiver Resources

Rural Mental Health Series

This 4-part Age-Friendly video series explores the mental health landscape of rural older adults including awareness, barriers and access, and recommendations for both older adults and providers.

Estimated time: 1 hour 15 minutes



View video presentations on frequently requested topics in geriatrics.

Estimated time: each video is approximately 1 hour long

Meaningful Activities

What Matters Most

What Matters Most CNA Training is intended to help build skills among those employed in nursing homes and other long-term care settings. The motto of this series is "What is good for the resident is also good for daily caregivers."

Estimated Time: 6 core modules totaling 3 hours + 6 1-hour ECHO videos 


Age-Friendly External Resources

This section offers a list of external resources for older adults, their families, and their healthcare providers for locating and providing Age-Friendly care that focuses on what matters most to older adults.

Iowa's Road to Age-Friendly Care


Iowa's national rank of percentage of adults over 85


Increase of geriatricians needed to meet the needs of Iowa's Alzheimer's population in 2050


The year older Iowans will outnumber youth ā€” for the first time in history


Older Iowans who want to "age in place"