The Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) Scoring - Oral Cleanliness

OHAT Scoring Instructions

0 = Healthy

Clean and no food particles
or tartar in mouth or

1 = Changes

Food particles/tarter/plaque
in 1-2 areas of the mouth or on
small area of dentures,
or halitosis (bad breath)

2 = Unhealthy

Food particles/tartar/plaque
in most areas of the mouth
or on most of dentures,
or severe halitosis (bad breath)

Oral Health - Natural

Clean mouth

Oral Health - Cleanliness

Tartar in 1 area
of lower denture

Oral Health - Cleanliness

Food particles, tartar,
and plaque all over

Oral Health - Cleanliness

Clean mouth

Oral Health - Cleanliness

Plaque and tartar
in 1 area of mouth

Oral Health - Cleanliness

Food particles and
plaque all over

OHAT - Gums & Tissue
Clean mouth
Oral Health - Cleanliness
Food particles, tartar,
and plaque all over

OHAT Practice Quiz

Practice using the Oral Health Assessment Tool by selecting the appropriate score for Mr. Johnson's oral cleanliness, which is illustrated in the photographs below.

Oral Health - Natural
Oral Health - Cleanliness
Category 0 = Healthy 1 = Changes 2 = Unhealthy Category Scores
Oral cleanliness
clean and no food particles or tartar in mouth or dentures
food particles/ tartar/plaque in 1-2 areas of the mouth or on small area of dentures, or halitosis (bad breath)
food particles/tartar/plaque in most areas of the mouth or on most of dentures or severe halitosis (bad breath)  

OHAT Practice Answer

Category Observation Our Score
Oral cleanliness Food particles, tartar, and plaque are present in 2 areas of the mouth 1

Oral Hygiene Care Plan (Chalmers, 2004 for use by the Iowa Geriatric Education Center; reviewed by Marchini, 2016; Review 2023)