Caregiver Resources
Tips for Avoiding Caregiver Burnout. A brief handout for caregivers with tips for taking care of yourself while you care for your loved one.
Choosing a Doctor. A handout to consult when faced with having to choose a new doctor for yourself or your loved one. Includes questions to ask and a list of additional resources.
How to Talk to Your Healthcare Provider. A brief guide to help improve communication with your healthcare provider and get the most out of your visits.
5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Doctor Visit. Five quick tips on how to better talk to your doctor. Additional resources can be found on the web page. This is a link to an external site.
Talking with Your Doctor. A booklet on how to talk with your doctor about a number of different subjects. Includes definitions of healthcare terms, questions to ask your provider, and tips for how to talk about different important subjects. This is a longer booklet, allowing it to provide helpful details for a number of situations, including discussing sensitive subjects, making decisions with your doctor, and getting the information you need.
AARP Caregiving in the United States. A report on caregiving in the U.S. with detailed findings on a number of important issues that caregivers face.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. An organization providing free resources to help people make decisions about end-of-life care and services before a crisis. This is a link to an external site.
Mental Wellness Action Plan. The KU School of Nursing at the University of Kansas created this resource to help individuals self-evaluate for and maintain good physical and mental wellness. It can be used by providers, family caregivers, and patients.